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Explanation of Type-C related terms

Time:2023-10-17 Views:67

Explanation of Type-C related terms

When discussing USB Type-C product details such as Type-C cable / Hub / Adapter / PD, you will often see some abbreviations for proper nouns, which are summarized here for use when learning.

Terminology explanation of Type-C related

Alternate Mode Adapter (AMA): Support the Device with PD USB alternate mode as UFP
Alternate Mode Controller (AMC): Support the Host with PD USB alternate mode as DFP
Augmented Power Data Object (APDO): A data object that reflects the power supply capability of the Source or the power consumption capability of the Sink.
Atomic Message Sequence (AMS): a fixed message sequence, usually as the beginning or end of PE_SRC_Ready, PE_SNK_Ready or PE_CBL_Ready
BFSK : Binary Frequency Shift Keying
BMC : Biphase Mark Coding, communication via CC.
CC : Configuration Channel, used for identification, control, etc.
CV : Constant Voltage, which does not vary with load.
CL : Current Limit
DPM : Device Policy Manager
DFP : Downstream Facing Port, the downstream port of HOST or HUB.
UFP : Upstream Facing Port , the uplink port of Device or HUB.
DRD : Dual-Role Data, which can be used as DFP or UFP.
DRP : Dual-Role Power, which can be used as Sink or Source.
EOP : End of Packet
IR Drop : Voltage drop between Sink and Source.
OCP : Over-Current Protection
OTP : Over-Temperature Protection
OVP : Over-Voltage Protection
PD Power (PDP): The power consumption output of the Source, displayed by the manufacturer in the PDOs field.
Power Data Object (PDO): Data object used to represent the output capability of the Source and the consumption capability of the Sink.
Programmable Power Supply (PPS): The power output is controlled by the program.
PSD: a device that eats power but has no data, such as a rechargeable battery.
SOP Packet: Start of Packet, all PD transmission process, are started with SOP Packet, SOP* stands for SOP, SOP‘, SOP‘‘
SID : Standard ID
SVID : Standard or Vendor ID
SPM : System Policy Manager, System Policy Manager, running on the Host side.
VPA : VCONN Powered Accessory
VPD : VCONN Powered USB Device
VDO : Vendor Data Object, Vendor specific information data object
VDM : Vendor Defined Message
VID : Vendor ID

Connection status explanation of Type-C related

Disabled State:
Remove termination from CC pins, if this state is not supported, then the port will be Unattached.SNK or Unattached.SRC upon power up, the port will not drive VBUS or VCONN and CC1 and CC2 will present high resistance to GND.
ErrorRecovery State:
Removing the termination from the CC1 and CC2 pins is next converted to Unattached.SNK or Unattached.SRC depending on the port type, which is equivalent to forcing a disconnect event and finding a new connection. If this state is not supported, it is converted to a supported disabled state, and if the disattached state is also not supported, it is converted to Unattached.SNK or Unattached.SRC.
Unattached.SNK State:
The port waits for the presence of a Source to be detected, a port Dead Battery enters this state when not powered, the port cannot drive VBUS and VCONN, CC1 and CC2 are terminated to ground via Rd respectively, when a Source connection is detected it is converted to AttachWait. USB 2.0 does not support USB PD may be directly converted to Attached.SNK when detected by VBUS.
AttachWait.SNK State:
The port detects SNK.Rp state on a CC pin and waits for VBUS. the port does not drive VBUS or VCONN.
SNK State:
The port is connected and operates as Sink, if initialized into this state also operates as UFP, the state of Power and Data can be changed via USB PD Command. directly from Unattached.SNK is converted by detecting VBUS, not sure of the direction and available above the default USB Power.
Try.SRC State:
Port query determines whether the partner port supports Sink, does not drive VBUS and VCONN, the port has to Source current on CC1 and CC2 respectively.
TryWait.SNK State:
Port failed to become Source, ready to connect as Sink, VBUS or VCONN not supported, CC1 and CC2 terminated via Rd respectively.
Try.SNK State:
Port query determines if the partner port supports Source.
TryWait.SRC State:
Port failed to become Sink, ready to connect as Source.

Hornmic USB Cables provides Intelligent Connection Solutions service-China USB Cable provider,Charging Cable,Hub Adapter,USB Charger manufacture

By HornmicLink_Bob Kuo @231017 21:05

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